
Rosie is our mini–Australian Shephard. She is our first baby that we got in the summer of 2022 at 13 weeks old. After a few weeks of having her home, my husband and I knew what kind of personality she was going to have... socially anxious and bashful. We knew that we would have to socialize, socialize, socialize! And so, we did. After a while I finally said out loud, "She is who she is. We just need to accept it." While socializing as much as possible, we were also training on walks and learning new tricks. Rosie is extremely smart and learns new things easily. Because of this I knew that even though she is shy and anxious, she would be the best companion for adventures. We would go leash training at Barns & Noble, Home Depot, the local Tractor Supply, farmer markets, and pet stores. She did WONDERFUL!! Now when people ask to pet her, I confidently say "Sorry, she's shy." 


Archer is our German Shephard mix and the baby of the family. We got him at 14 weeks old in summer of 2024 from a close family cousin. He instantly bonded to Cory and everyday their bond grows stronger and stronger. Him and Rosie are polar opposites! Archer has the biggest heart & loves love. His love language is most definitely physical touch. He loves to be petted, cuddled, and dotted on. During the first couple weeks we had him, all he wanted to do was sit in the yard and observe Rosie. He had zero interest in playing with her. Now, he has really blossomed. He loves to run and play with his sister more than anything! He is highly food motivated and his little face just lights up when he's about to eat some peanut-butter or a frozen cucumber. His mind-set is care-free and independent, and we wouldn't want him any other way!